Marlene Laruelle is Director of the Institute for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies (IERES); Director, Illiberalism Studies Program; Director, Central Asia Program; Co-Director, PONARS-Eurasia; and Research Professor of International Affairs at George Washington University.
Under her direction, IERES became the #1 University-Affiliated Regional Studies Center in the U.S. (#5 in the world) in the University of Pennsylvania 2020 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report.
Dr Laruelle gives regular lectures and seminars at the different policy institutions in Washington DC. She has recently published Memory Politics and the Russian Civil War. Reds versus Whites (Bloomsbury, with Margarita Karnysheva) and Is Russia Fascist? Unraveling Propaganda East and West (Cornell University Press).
Marlene has published op-eds and blogs in Foreign Affairs, The National Interest, the Washington Post’s Monkey Cage blog, The Moscow Times, Open Democracy, The Diplomat, Global Voices, Le Monde Diplomatique, Russia Matters, the Russian Analytical Digest, Current History, Baltic Rim Economies, the German Marshall Fund’s Wider Europe, and the Jamestown Foundation’s Eurasia Daily Monitor, among others.