ACEWA Board Member and Professor Emeritus Stephen F. Cohen talks with Fox News host Tucker Carlson about the inherent and impending dangers of the new cold war and as well as accusations of Russian interference in the US election.
How American Exceptionalism Has Undermined Foreign Policy (Patrick Lawrence)
…we can name the fatal flaw in American foreign policy and the reply of those dedicated to an alternative: Exceptionalism is the problem, multipolarity the solution.
John McCain Is Wrong About the Russia Hack (Doug Bandow)
For someone who has served in war, Sen. John McCain is easily shocked. He has joined the chorus in Washington protesting Russia’s alleged hacking of the Democrats. He and his colleague Sen. Lindsey Graham are pressing for an investigation by a newly-constituted select congressional committee.
PODCAST: American Cold Warriors Want to Fight Russia, Not Terrorism (Stephen F. Cohen)
Nation Contributing Editor Stephen F. Cohen and John Batchelor continue their weekly discussions of the new US-Russian Cold War. Cohen argues that the real enemies of US national security are the American senators (McCain, Graham and their bipartisan allies in Congress) and mainstream media waging a campaign against Trump’s proposed cooperation with Russia, presumably first and foremost against terrorists in Syria and elsewhere.
Rex Tillerson and the Russian Problem (Amb. Robert Hunter)
Allegations of Russian interference in the U.S. election campaign become a tool to limit, if not cripple, President Trump’s attempts to change the downward course of U.S. and Western relations with Russia.
Cyber Panic: If the hack is a “political 9/11,” should we retaliate by invading and destroying Russia? (Sophie Pinkham)
ON WEDNESDAY, THE NEW YORK TIMES ran a front-page article on the DNC hack. Despite the implications of its lurid headline (“The Perfect Weapon: How Russian Cyberpower Invaded the U.S.”), the article is, for the most part, a tale of American incompetence and negligence.
PODCAST: Part 2: Stephen Cohen & Ken Roth on Trump, Hacking & Tillerson (Democracy Now)
President Obama has ordered a review of Russia’s role in influencing the presidential election. Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch, and Stephen Cohen, professor emeritus of Russian studies and politics at New York University and Princeton University debate.
VIDEO: Tucker Carlson Debates Guest Over Russia’s Role In The Election (FNC)
Tucker Carlson interviewed Prof. Robert McElvaine, a history professor at Millsaps College in Jackson, who wrote in the Huffington Post said that Russia influenced the election.
On Aleppo (Paul Robinson)
After four years of internecine violence, the fighting has now almost come to an end. Peace is returning to Aleppo. Let’s not listen to those who want to unleash the dogs of war all over again, but instead do what we can to see that the cosmopolitan Aleppo of old is reborn from the rubble.
VIDEO: A Debate on Russia’s Role in the Syrian War & the Fall of Aleppo (feat. Stephen Cohen and Ken Roth)
Russia described the fall of Aleppo as a victory against terrorists and jihadists. But the United States has decried the Russian-backed offensive. We host a debate between Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch, and Stephen Cohen, professor emeritus of Russian studies and politics at New York University and Princeton University.
There is more than one truth to tell in the heartbreaking story of Aleppo (Robert Fisk)
Western politicians, “experts” and journalists are going to have to reboot their stories over the next few days now that Bashar al-Assad’s army has retaken control of eastern Aleppo.
PODCAST: Cold War Hysteria vs. US National Security (Stephen F. Cohen)
Nation Contributing Editor Stephen F. Cohen and John Batchelor continue their weekly discussions of the new US-Russian Cold War. (Previous installments are at This installment focuses on charges that Russian cyber-invasions of the DNC and dissemination of materials damaging to the Clinton campaign contributed to Trump’s victory.
Making Russia ‘The Enemy’ (Robert Parry)
Despite conflicting accounts about who leaked the Democratic emails, the frenzy over an alleged Russian role is driving the U.S. deeper into a costly and dangerous New Cold War, writes Robert Parry.
The Church: Caught Between Russia and Ukraine (Brian Milakovsky)
In Eastern Ukraine, the Orthodox Church finds itself in the crossfire of an ideological conflict.
PODCAST: What Do We Know About Russia’s Use of Cyber-Attacks? (Stephen F. Cohen)
Stephen F. Cohen, professor emeritus of Russian studies at NYU and Princeton and contributing editor to The Nation, discusses what we know about Russia’s use of cyber-attacks to disrupt stability in democratic institutions from Kiev to Washington, and how this was going on during the 2016 presidential election.
Exxon CEO Has the Skills for a Better Russia Policy (Bloomberg)
Trump can hardly do worse if he completely discards the kind of advice Obama has been getting on Russia and relies on a different kind of expertise — the kind Tillerson has.
Exclusive: Top U.S. spy agency has not embraced CIA assessment on Russia hacking (Reuters)
The overseers of the U.S. intelligence community have not embraced a CIA assessment that Russian cyber attacks were aimed at helping Republican President-elect Donald Trump win the 2016 election, three American officials said on Monday.
Russia Is Neither Friend Nor Foe (Nikolas K. Gvosdev)
There is no basis for any claims about a “stolen” presidential election. Nobody stole anything. No Russian operatives altered ballots or tampered with election machines, which is why the Obama administration itself has declared that state-by-state election results “reflect the will of the people.”
Bolton Is Trouble; Tillerson Isn’t (Scott McConnell)
President-elect Trump’s State Department selections have managed to trigger opposition from two distinct and opposed camps. The neocons and anti-Russians oppose Exxon chief Rex Tillerson, the secretary of state designate, as too inclined to accommodate Putin.
Did Russia Elect Trump? (The American Conservative)
The allegations about Moscow’s involvement in the election derive from a still-secret report prepared by the CIA that represents the intelligence community’s consensus on the issue, though the use of the word “consensus” implies that there was dissent over the conclusions, and there is even a suggestion that not all of the community signed off on the final draft.