Russia is open to negotiations but only based on current territorial realities.
The Dissident: How The NED and USAID Are Tools Of NeoCon Foreign Policy.
USAID funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars to think tanks such as “New Citizen” which spurred the original 2014 protests in Ukraine that eventually led to a coup against the country’s democratically elected leader Viktor Yanukovych.
These USAID-funded protests were eventually taken over by far-right groups such as the Svoboda party and the Right Sector. Right Sector committed a sniper massacre that killed 51 protests which they then blamed on Yanukovych in order to overthrow him in a violent coup.
Paul R. Grenier: The Christian Case against War with Russia over Ukraine
In an open letter to J.D. Vance, the prominent Catholic publicist George Weigel has argued that the defeat of Russia in Ukraine is essential to the causes of democracy, Christian virtue, and world peace.
Paul Grenier, in the following Landmarks essay, argues that Weigel is only able to make such a case by engaging in a series of distortions — firstly, of the history of the Ukraine war, and secondly, regarding the nature of political order under Russian president Vladimir Putin.
VIDEO: The Hidden War Making Process: Col. Lawrence Wilkerson Talks to Pascal Lottaz
Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson is a retired US army officer, former Chief of Staff of the Secretary of State, and a member of “Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity.” He speaks about how US power structures function and the military-political process actually works.
ACURA Exclusive: Pietro A. Shakarian: Russia, Iran, and the Caucasian Chalk Circle
It was only a few weeks ago that Russian President Vladimir V. Putin and Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian met to ink the historic Russo-Iranian Treaty on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. The pact itself was a milestone, so much so that commentators around the world are still widely discussing its implications. Perhaps one of the most striking elements of the treaty is the major focus on Eurasia. Although Western analysts tend to focus on Russo-Iranian cooperation in the Middle East, the treaty indicates that Eurasia is of even more immediate geopolitical significance to both Moscow and Tehran. To historians and long-time observers of Iran and Russia, this is hardly a surprise. The Eurasian region – that is, the Caucasus, Central Asia, and the Caspian Sea – forms an integral part of the common Russo-Iranian neighborhood. [Read more…] about ACURA Exclusive: Pietro A. Shakarian: Russia, Iran, and the Caucasian Chalk Circle
Ted Snider: Did We Just See Trump’s Ukraine Peace Plan?
A leaked document has given us a first glimpse at Trump’s peace plan for Ukraine. According to the Ukrainian online newspaper Strana, U.S. officials handed the plan to European diplomats who then passed it on to Ukraine.
James W. Carden: The Real Meaning of the Fight Over Tulsi Gabbard
Leading the charge against Gabbard on the Senate Intelligence Committee is ranking member Mark Warner, Democrat of Virginia who, like his counterpart Adam Schiff (then serving as chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence), spent four years lying to the American people about Donald Trump’s alleged connections to the Kremlin.
Gordon Hahn: The Empty Tank: Is Demise of the Ukrainian Army Near?
The collapse of Ukraine’s defense fronts along all or nearly the entire line of combat – which stretches from Kherson just north of Crimea to the east, then north through Donetsk to Kharkiv and Sumy – appears imminent.
Gary Saul Morson: With Liberals Like These
When Gorbachev assumed power in 1985, and especially after the USSR collapsed in 1991, it seemed as if Western liberalism would at last triumph.
Lyle J. Goldstein: John Sullivan: Biden’s Failed Diplomat in Moscow
Every U.S. ambassador to Moscow likes to compare himself to George Kennan — one of America’s most famous and far-sighted diplomats — and Sullivan is no exception. But whereas Kennan was a genuine scholar of Russia, Sullivan seems to have made misstep after misstep.
David Stockman: NATO Was Never About American Security
The evidence from the Soviet archives shows that Stalin’s policy during the 1947 pivot to Cold War was largely defensive and reactive. But even that departure from the cooperative modus operandi of the wartime alliance arose from what might well be described as an unforced error in Washington.
Leah Gunn Barrett: Letter from Edinburgh: Britain Cannot Win
David Lammy recently declared that ‘the post-Cold War peace is well and truly over’ and that the UK’s biggest threat is from Russia which he proposes to meet by ramping up military spending. He calls this new approach ‘progressive realism’. It’s more accurate to term it “regressive delusionism” [Read more…] about Leah Gunn Barrett: Letter from Edinburgh: Britain Cannot Win
George Beebe: The Senate’s Tulsi Gabbard Test
Should Gabbard’s controversial warning that Assad’s removal might pave the way to radical Islamic rule in Syria be considered a disqualification?
Larry C. Johnson: Russian Casualties and the Russian Economy — A Memo for President Donald Trump
Mr. President, I believe that the CIA is providing you inaccurate, false intelligence about Russia’s casualties and the condition of its economy. If you hope to realize your goal of opening negotiations with President Vladimir Putin to bring an end to the war in Ukraine, you must be equipped with the best information available. [Read more…] about Larry C. Johnson: Russian Casualties and the Russian Economy — A Memo for President Donald Trump
VIDEO: 2025 Doomsday Clock Announcement
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists hosted a live virtual news conference yesterday where it announced the clock has moved 89 seconds to midnight.
Newsweek: Donald Trump’s ‘100 Day’ Ukraine Peace Plan Leaked: Report
A news outlet has leaked U.S. President Donald Trump‘s alleged plan to end the Russia-Ukraine war in 100 days, which the office of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has said is false.
On Sunday, Strana, a Ukrainian outlet, published details of the purported plan to end the war in a few months, writing that it had been discussed in “political and diplomatic circles” in Ukraine. Newsweek was unable to independently verify whether the details of the plan were accurate.
Diplomacy Watch: Europe plans to ‘outgun’ Russia
In the wake of Trump’s return to the White House and uncertainty surrounding the Ukraine war, European officials increasingly fear being cut out over relevant war negotiations, or otherwise being abandoned by the U.S. Indeed, Zelensky even publicly questioned the U.S. commitment to Europe in a speech at Davos.
Book Review: Provoked: The Long Train of Abuses that Culminated in the Ukraine War
“A fox knows many things, but a hedgehog knows one big thing.” Scott Horton is the liberty movement’s foreign policy hedgehog, endeavoring to convince the American public of one essential truth: the folly of war. But within that sphere, Horton is a fox, weaving an encyclopedic knowledge of various conflicts into an elaborate and convincing tapestry that indicts elites, intellectuals, the military-industrial complex, and—with characteristic vitriol—neoconservatives in pushing the US toward unnecessary wars.
Katrina vanden Heuvel: The Doomsday Clock Will Move Forward
Thirty years ago, the United States was dismantling warheads at a historic pace. But in 2002, John Bolton—then the undersecretary of state for arms control—persuaded George W. Bush to withdraw from the cornerstone of anti-nuclear scaffolding, the decades-long Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty with Russia.
Axios: Trump says he wants to meet Putin soon to discuss a Ukraine peace deal
“Our effort to reach a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine are now hopefully underway. It is so important to get that done. Millions of soldiers are getting killed. Millions of Russians and millions of Ukrainians. It has to end,” Trump said in his video address to Davos attendees.